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Posted By Aguirre Law | August 14 2024 | Noticias Generales

¿Qué puedo hacer si me caí en el trabajo?

Un desafortunado riesgo conocido en la industria de la construcción es el de las caídas. Las lesiones provocadas por este tipo de accidentes pueden ir desde una herida ligera, hasta el fallecimiento en los casos más graves. A pesar de que existen regulaciones para prevenir estos eventos (enlace en inglés), las caídas, resbalones y tropiezos…

Posted By Aguirre Law | August 6 2024 | Firm News

Injuries Caused by Airbag Deployment

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, frontal airbags have saved more than 50,000 lives over 30 years. Newer vehicles also equip airbags on the sides and other locations throughout the vehicle to protect its occupants, saving more lives and preventing serious injuries. While airbags are a vital safety invention, manufacturing defects and negligent…

Posted By Aguirre Law | August 2 2024 | Personal Injury

Can a Pre-Existing Condition Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

If you have a pre-existing condition, you might wonder whether you can file a personal injury claim for a new injury. You may be able to recover compensation to pay for medical bills, lost wages, and other losses – even if you have a pre-existing injury. However, the insurance company will likely try to deny…

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