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How Long Will My Car Accident Case Take to Settle in Texas?

Posted By Aguirre Law | February 12 2025 | Car Accidents

How long it takes to settle a car accident may involve different factors, and every case is different. An experienced San Antonio car accident lawyer with The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC can expedite your claim while focusing on the goal of securing maximum compensation for you.

Steps Involved in the Settlement Process

To get a better idea about how long it might take you to receive your settlement check, it’s essential to understand all the steps involved in the car accident settlement process, which generally includes the following:

  • Reporting the accident
  • Filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company
  • Having an insurance adjuster investigate the accident
  • Reviewing insurance policies and claim documentation
  • Sending a demand letter to the insurance company
  • Negotiating for a settlement
  • Signing a settlement agreement and release of liability
  • Receiving a settlement check

This process may take several months or longer before it is completed.

Factors that Can Affect the Timeline of a Car Accident Case

Various factors can influence the time it takes to resolve a car accident claim, including the following:

Whether Liability Is in Dispute

When liability is straightforward, the case tends to settle faster. However, if liability is unclear, multiple parties are responsible for the accident, or you contributed to it, it may take longer to settle the case. Your San Antonio personal injury lawyer may need to conduct an independent investigation, gather evidence to clarify liability, and possibly hire accident reconstruction experts. These extra steps can increase the settlement timeline.

The Severity of Your Injuries

Your car accident lawyer will likely ask that you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) before attempting to settle your claim. This is the point when you have recovered as much as is expected and it can be more straightforward to estimate your future medical expenses and damages. The more severe your injuries, the longer it will take you to reach MMI. For serious injuries, you may require multiple services, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. You don’t want to accept a settlement before knowing the medical expenses you may have to pay in the future.

Complexity of Your Case

The complexity of your case can significantly affect the potential settlement timeline. Various factors can affect the complexity of a case, such as:

  • Multiple motorists are involved.
  • You received delayed medical treatment.
  • You have pre-existing injuries.
  • There is a lack of evidence.
  • There’s a disagreement about who is to blame.

More complexities generally mean longer settlement timelines.

The Value of Your Damages

When you have suffered serious injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury or a spinal cord injury, or your claim is more valuable, the insurance company may push back. They may try to argue that your medical expenses are unreasonable or try to blame you for the accident to diminish the value of your claim.

The Insurance Company Involved

Every insurance company operates differently. Insurance companies may have different internal procedures that dictate how long they take for various aspects of the claim. Additionally, different companies have differing amounts of resources.

Willingness to Settle

The willingness of the parties to settle the case can also affect how long it takes to resolve the case.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer for Help

While it’s reasonable that you want to get your settlement check, you don’t want to settle for less than you deserve. An experienced car accident attorney from The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC can estimate the timeline for your case. Learn more when you call for a free consultation.

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