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Posted By Aguirre Law | November 16 2023 | Firm News

What Evidence Do You Need After a San Antonio Car Accident?

You must back up any claim for car accident compensation with proof of accident-related injuries. The more evidence you can provide to support your injury claim, the better your chances will be of receiving the maximum damage amounts to which you are entitled. Evidence Collection Begins at the Scene of the Accident The evidence collection…

Posted By Aguirre Law | November 13 2023 | Firm News

How Insurance Companies Investigate Car Accidents

Insurance companies may vary in their practices. However, every car accident investigation begins with the reporting of an accident and the submission of a claim After the submission of an accident claim, an adjuster for the insurance company will begin an investigation to verify the accuracy of the claim. The depths that an adjuster will…

Posted By Aguirre Law | November 7 2023 | Firm News

What Not to Say After a Car Accident

Car accidents are traumatic. You may feel confused, dazed, and at a loss for words. You can take comfort in knowing that saying very little is to your benefit Read the following to find out what not to say after a car accident. If you are concerned about an admission you made after a car…

Posted By Aguirre Law | September 28 2023 | Firm News

Burn Injuries in Rental Properties: Landlord Responsibilities and Tenant Rights

As a tenant, you have the right to a safe living environment. Your landlord is responsible for maintaining premises that are free from fire hazards and remedying any fire dangers of which they know about or of which they should have been aware. If you were burned in a rental property fire and think your…

Posted By Aguirre Law | July 31 2023 | Firm News

5 Steps You Should Take After a Truck Accident

If you are ever the victim of a truck accident, an experienced truck accident attorney can help you recover compensation for your property damage, medical expenses, and psychological trauma. However, the moments immediately following a truck accident can be confusing, emotionally overwhelming, and leave you unsure of what steps to take. The following article outlines…

Posted By Aguirre Law | July 30 2023 | Firm News

How to Deal With Insurance Companies After a Truck Accident

Dealing with the complications of a serious truck accident can be confusing and overwhelming. You may find yourself unsure what to do or where to turn for help. The insurance company for the truck driver or trucking company is likely to call with a quick offer to settle. While this may be tempting, do not…

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