Truck accidents are alarmingly common in Texas. The Texas trucking industry provides more than one million jobs and greatly contributes to the economy. Because it is a hub for trucking companies and jobs, there are many trucks that travel the state’s roads every day. Unfortunately, Texas is the leading state for fatal truck accidents. According…
One of the easiest ways to communicate information to your family and friends is through social media. With one message, you can update loved ones about what is happening in your life and if you need help or are okay. This is especially true in the event of a significant life event or catastrophe, such…
Stopping a semi-truck is vastly different from stopping a car. Under typical weather and road conditions, semi-trucks take approximately 40% longer to stop than a passenger vehicle. The driver of the truck has no bearing on physics. This is why truck accidents are typically much more severe than car accidents and require the assistance of…
What are Underride Accidents? Underride accidents are a type of vehicle accident involving a large truck, usually a tractor-trailer, and a smaller passenger vehicle. In an underride accident, the smaller passenger vehicle collides with the truck and slides or is forced underneath the truck or its trailer. Underride accidents often result in severe or fatal…
Leasing a car has its advantages. You can drive a new vehicle at a low monthly payment with minimum maintenance costs. You can also easily trade a leased vehicle for a new one when your lease terminates. But, what happens if you total a leased car? Before you decide to lease or purchase a vehicle,…
Insurance companies are businesses. Given the opportunity to save money, they will. Survival for insurance companies is purely mathematical. They must expend less money on accident claims than they collect in insurance premiums. Whenever possible, insurance companies will deny unsubstantiated accident claims. When denial is not an option, they will use strategies to devalue claims…
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