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Posted By Aguirre Law | June 4 2024 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck Accidents

Texas’ Variable Speed Limit Law

Texas is on the cutting edge of road safety. After studying the effectiveness of variable speed limits, lawmakers passed House Bill 1885, allowing for the temporary adjustment of speed limits in dangerous conditions without needing approval from statewide transportation commissioners. Here is everything you need to know about Texas’ variable speed limit law. What Are…

Posted By Aguirre Law | May 24 2024 | Personal Injury

Texas’ Modified Comparative Negligence Laws

Texas’ modified comparative negligence laws determine if negligence occurred and who caused it according to the degree of fault. We use these rules to account for accidents where both parties may have been at fault. Rather than assign 100% responsibility to one party, they only have to pay for the damages they caused. In this…

Posted By Aguirre Law | May 15 2024 | Personal Injury

Types of Damages in a Personal Injury Claim

Damages in a personal injury claim are the financial awards negotiated to compensate victims for losses incurred. The three types of damages in a Texas personal injury claim are economic, non-economic, and exemplary. Each type is available for proven claims but will vary according to the circumstances and facts of the situation. Economic Damages Section…

Posted By Aguirre Law | May 10 2024 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury

What To Do After a Car Accident in San Antonio

Car accidents can be scary situations, and you may not always be thinking clearly immediately after an accident. Knowing what to do in those situations can help keep you safe and protect any potential legal claims related to the accident. If you are involved in a car accident in San Antonio, make sure you follow…

Posted By Aguirre Law | May 8 2024 | Noticias Generales

Mitos y realidades sobre las reclamaciones por accidentes automovilísticos

Los accidentes de coche pueden ser eventos traumáticos y confusos, lo que a menudo da lugar a malentendidos sobre el proceso de reclamaciones. Es fundamental conocer la verdad para navegar con éxito por el sistema legal y asegurarse de que sus derechos estén protegidos. ¿Es verdad que si yo fui parcialmente responsable, no puedo ser…

Posted By Aguirre Law | May 6 2024 | Noticias Generales

Después de un accidente automovilístico durante el trabajo, estos son los pasos esenciales

Cuando ocurre un accidente de coche mientras se está en horario laboral, es crucial conocer los pasos a seguir para proteger sus derechos. Usted podría ser elegible para beneficios de indemnización al trabajador si el choque ocurrió mientras usted estaba llevando a cabo sus deberes laborales. En Texas, la ley ofrece protecciones específicas para los…

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