Los accidentes laborales son una realidad que puede afectar a cualquier trabajador en Texas, y es por ello, resulta esencial conocer los derechos que los protegen. A través de este blog, buscamosinformar a la comunidad hispanohablante en Texas sobre sus derechos en caso de sufrir un accidente de trabajo, además de explorar algunos aspectos clave….
Los días y semanas después de un accidente automovilístico están llenos de estrés financiero, dolor físico, y confusión. En estos días, podría ser tentador posponer cualquier acción legal hasta que su situación se estabilice un poco. Pero hay peligro en esperar demasiado, y cada día que pasa lo hace más difícil obtener la compensación que…
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) is a regulatory agency within the US Department of Transportation that is responsible for the regulations and safety oversight of commercial motor vehicles (CMV) in the US. The FMCSA develops and enforces safety regulations for trucks and trucking companies which are important for the safety and well-being of…
San Antonio is one of the largest cities in the United States, with thousands of people driving around the city every day. That means added wear and tear on infrastructure like roads and bridges, but what effect does that have on their condition over time? To find out, we analyzed records of more than 25,000…
Truck accidents are alarmingly common in Texas. The Texas trucking industry provides more than one million jobs and greatly contributes to the economy. Because it is a hub for trucking companies and jobs, there are many trucks that travel the state’s roads every day. Unfortunately, Texas is the leading state for fatal truck accidents. According…
One of the easiest ways to communicate information to your family and friends is through social media. With one message, you can update loved ones about what is happening in your life and if you need help or are okay. This is especially true in the event of a significant life event or catastrophe, such…
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