Getting hurt on the job or suffering from a work-related illness is scary. If you can’t work for even a temporary amount of time, you can undergo a serious financial hardship. Even if you have a savings account and you aren’t one of the more than half of San Antonio families who live paycheck to paycheck, the usual monthly expenses that may be covered by your savings account or partner can still pile up since now you have unexpected medical expenses. Even if you filed a workers’ compensation claim, there can be delays or denials. An experienced San Antonio workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate your claim and deal with the workers’ compensation insurance company on your behalf. Schedule your free initial consultation with The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, now. Contact us today.
What Is Workers’ Compensation For?
Workers’ compensation plays an important role for employees and employers. It provides employees who are hurt or made sick from the job with medical care, lost income, and other important benefits. For employers, the policy protects them from potential financial devastation. Most Texas employers are legally required to carry a workers’ compensation insurance policy.
When Does an Employee Qualify for Workers’ Compensation in San Antonio?
To be successful with a workers’ compensation claim, you must qualify to be covered by your employer’s policy under Texas law. This means that:
You were working for the employer at least part-time when you were hurt on the job
Your employer has an active workers’ compensation policy
The injuries or illness were caused because of your job duties or because of exposure to something in the workplace
Common Denials Used for Workers’ Compensation Claims
There are some common denials faced by employees who decide to pursue their San Antonio accident claims on their own. Some of the most common include:
The injury or illness isn’t bad enough to stop you from working at your normal capacity
Your employer or the workers’ compensation claims adjuster believes that your illness or injury was pre-existing
You didn’t provide the proper documentation as required or requested by the Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation
You didn’t follow the medical treatment as required by your medical provider
You weren’t hurt or made ill based on something from work; this includes the claim that you weren’t on the clock at the time
You were only hurt on the job because you were under the influence
You didn’t file the required documentation and forms before the statute of limitations expired
Why Hire a San Antonio Workers’ Compensation Attorney?
Working with a San Antonio workers’ compensation attorney can improve the likelihood that your claim is approved. It also increases the likelihood that you will be treated fairly in terms of compensation. From helping you complete the proper forms to collecting the documentation to provide it by the required deadlines to dealing with your employer and their insurance company, a San Antonio personal injury attorney takes the stress off of you so that you can recover.
Don’t wait – schedule your free consultation with The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC. We’re here to help!
Please note that depending on the facts of your case, the worker’s compensation portion of your case may be referred to another law firm.